The Power of Effective Call Center Scripts

Whether you call it a script, a dialogue plan, call guide, or another phrase, a plan for managing the interaction with customers and prospects is a vital component of a…

Why Domestic BPO Is Better Than Going Offshore

…for” holds when it comes to offshore BPO, as any initial savings you enjoy might be outweighed by unforeseen expenses and challenges, such as cultural misunderstandings, communication barriers, and time…

Reasons to Outsource

…becomes reality. As many companies have learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, business continuity planning is not a topic to be taken lightly. Many companies were hit hard when their office…

Utilizing Telemarketing Solutions to Manage Customer Feedback

Though telemarketing solutions are associated with various sales initiatives, they are also about building relationships. Customer service telemarketing solutions centered on feedback help businesses enhance relations between their customers and…


In the world of customer interaction, few can match the powerful combination that Telecom, Inc. offers: a blend of old-fashioned personal service with tomorrow’s technology. As a domestic omnichannel contact…


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