How to Reduce Call Center Costs

Managing call center costs, and customer service demands, is a requirement for a successful project outcome. Contact center expenses differ based on numerous factors, with technology, service protocols, labor, and

How and Why to Motivate Customer Service Staff

…prospective partners. In turn, prospective companies vetting a call center love to hear how appreciated employees feel and how committed the company is to maintaining a culture of appreciation and

9 Call Center Innovation Ideas

The world is constantly changing. New business technologies, strategies, and applications appear on the horizon daily. As innovation progresses at record speed, call centers must monitor the latest trends and

Professional Certification

Telecom, Inc. has extensive experience as a partner of some of the nation’s most recognized professional certification and credentialing organizations. Our 20 plus years of successful partnerships with Professional Certification,…

Professional Services

Telecom, Inc. offers extensive professional services outsourcing experience, serving companies such as home repair contractors, doctors, lawyers, accountants, landscapers, financial advisors, veterinarians, consultants, and ad agencies – all are found…


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